Thursday 6 December 2012


Anamika 6th December 2012 Written Episode

Jeet leaves for his academy. Chiku is sitting on the porch…but strangely does not follow Jeet out. Mickeys friend has tampered with Jeet’s car so that the petrol leaks out completely. As Jeet has forgotten his phone at home he cannot call anyone for help.
At the academy Mickey is telling his friend that he is confident that Jeet wouldnt reach the academy & hence he would be declared the winner w/o any match ever taking place between them
Rano is getting ready to go for Jeet’s match when Bebe comes & takes a pic of her so that she can upload it & find boys fit for her. Rano gets irritated & says she doesnt want to get married at all…Bebe probes more…but Rano doesnt give any answers. Bebe says that once Rano leaves she will find her replacement & get Jeet married to that girl. Rano is hurt…she says i am a part of this family, how can you replace me so easily. Rano says this isnt my maayka…bebe says but this isnt your sasural either…only the girl who is Jeet’s wife can stay here. Rano is hurt by this. Bebe says your eyes clearly say what you cannot speak out…your problem is not getting married…your problem is that you love Jeet & want to marry him & no one else. Bebe asks her if Jeet or her mother know of her love for Jeet? When Rano says no, Bebe promises to talk with everyone once Jeet’s match is over.
Jeet leaves on foot for his academy & decides to walk down a shortcut.
Mickey & the coach are waiting for Jeet at the academy. Mickey suggests that the coach call Jeet & ask him for how long should they wait.
Its dark. Jeet is walking on a deserted road & hears a car approach. He decides to get a lift. Its the same white car & the mysterious woman in it offers him a lift. She opens the back door of the car for him. He goes & sits on the back seat…realizing that he should have sat ahead with her…he says he will come in front. The woman says…stay where you are as the front seat belongs to somebody else. Jeet is puzzled by this.
Precap: The woman stops her car mid – way as he has been asking too many questions. Jeet promises that he wont ask her any more questions. He requests her to drop him at the academy as his career depends on it! She asks him to get out of the car
The coach tells Mickey that they will wait for 10 more minutes…if Jeet doesnt come by then he will be disqualified. Rano who has reached there already is shocked to hear this!

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